Kabeer Ghai

Hi, I'm Kabeer Ghai

A Full Stack Web Developer specializing in front end

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About Me

I am a self-taught developer with a passion for crafting beauiful, user-friendly web experiences. Over the years, I've honed my skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and frameworks like Tailwind CSS.

My Projects

Project 1

Brainy Breakdown

An Email newsletter with chatbot and Online Feed. This website uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL to showcase this Icey Blue Aesthetic with a modern Gen-Z look.

Project 2

Rules Of Inference: Addition

A website explaining the concept of Discrete Mathematics, Rules of Inference, Addition. This website uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript to showcase this minimalist website.

Project 3

Valentine's Day

A simple Valentine's day website to ask your partner out. This websites uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript with basic animations

Project 3

Google Clone

A clone of Google.com. This website uses basic HTML and CSS

Project 3

Indore Plants

A website for a plant selling company called Indore Plants. This Website uses HTML, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, Swiper Js and ScrollReveal JS

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach out to discuss projects or opportunities!

Email Me